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News / Clark County News

School notes for Dec. 11, 2012

The Columbian
Published: December 10, 2012, 4:00pm

WHS cross country booklet seeks advertising

The Washougal High cross country team head coach Terry Howard is seeking advertisers as a fundraiser with “End of Season” results booklets.

These include photo collages, race results and shared memories created throughout the season. The booklets have full color covers and are personalized for each recipient – their name is posted on the front cover. Each team member receives one, plus other supporters of the program and many potential recruits.

This year, the community to purchase advertising space in these booklets as a team fundraiser. It is $50 for a quarter-page ad, and $85 for a half page ad. Supporters receive a copy of the results booklet.

Confirmation of the participation and artwork must be sent by Wednesday.

For assistance with artwork, e-mail terry.howard@washougalsd.org. Checks can be sent to Washougal High School, ASB office, 1201 39th St., Washougal, WA, 98671.

NASA offers scholarship program for girls

NASA is offering high school junior girls from across the United States a chance to participate in the Women In STEM High School Aerospace Scholars program for 2013.

WISH participants will participate in online forums focusing on science, technology, engineering and mathematics topics, and complete online activities to qualify for a six-day summer experience at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. During that time, they will work with mentors to design a mission to Mars, interact with NASA female role models, and mingle with scientists and engineers as they learn about various careers.

Applications are due Thursday, Jan. 3. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and female high school juniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher and interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. They must have access to the Internet and e-mail, be able to commit to the project for one year and participate in the Johnson summer program in 2013.

W.I.S.H. Aerospace Scholars is sponsored by NASA’s Education Flights Project Office and offered at no cost to the participants. Specific questions may be directed to JSC-NHAS@mail.nasa.gov.

To learn more about NASA’s Women In STEM High School Aerospace wish.aerospacescholars.org.

Locals earn dean’s list honors

The following local residents were among 1,306 students named to Biola University’s spring 2012 dean’s list. They are Tabitha Coe and Tenielle Schoeder of Camas; and William Mounce of Washougal.

To be named to the dean’s list, students must earn a a GPA of 3.6 or higher while enrolled in at least 12 credit units, and have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.2.

Biola University is a private Christian university in La Mirada, Calif.

Class on growing food offered

Those interested in helping others grow their own healthy food can sign up for a series of five classes starting on Jan. 19. Classes will be held at the WSU Vancouver CASEE Center, 2218 S.E. Norelius Drive, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and continue every other Saturday until March 16. Training will be focused on mentoring skills that will help encourage others to be successful vegetable gardeners.

The class is limited to 50 students and the fee is $25. Those interested can sign up at ocrs.wsu.edu/Signup/?eventid=585. For more information, contact Dean Sutera at dsutera45@msn.com or 687-1967.
