“ParaNorman” is the second feature film produced by Laika, a Portland-area stop-motion animation studio. Its first full-length feature, “Coraline,” was released in 2009. Laika’s chief executive is Travis Knight, son of Nike chairman Phil Knight. Its future projects include a film called “Goblins” and a movie based on the book “Wildwood.”
CHICAGO — As someone who does not have kids, I can attest to the fact that parents of small children love being told what they are doing wrong by the childless.
Whenever I offer advice, parents smile so broadly! And listen so closely! Occasionally, blinded by my insights into their inadequacies, they will remove their glasses and rub their eyes. In fact, usually they are so busy making mental notes, they simply say nothing at all!
Now that I’ve established my credentials with parents, here is some fresh — and sincere — advice: