What: Soberiha, a Russian-American international cultural festival. Highlights include Russian and Eastern European dancing, music, food, entertainment.
When: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday.
Where: Esther Short Park, West Eighth and Columbia streets, Vancouver.
Cost: Free. Visitors are encouraged to bring donations for local shelters.
Information: AM-RU International Association or call 360-980-6698
Common Russian expressions:
Privyet (preev-yet): Hi.
Zdravstvooytye (zdra-svoo-tya): Hello.
Do svidaniya (dos-vee-dan-ya): Goodbye.
Droozba (drooz-ba): Friendship.
Horosho (horro-show): Good.
Pozhalooysta (poo-jah-list-ah): Please.
Spasiba (spa-see-ba): Thank you.
Zdorovo (zdo-row-vo): Cool, great, awesome.
There were no Russian cultural festivals in Vancouver when Valery Chkalov and his crew landed here after the first transpolar flight 75 years ago.
At the time, the notion probably wasn’t high on people’s minds, considering the plane was heading for San Francisco when mechanical problems caused it to land here instead.
But the historic flight became a catalyst for friendship between the people of Eastern Europe and Southwest Washington and led to the founding of the first such Vancouver festival in 2006, said Tina Esch, president of the American-Russian International Association.