With so many physical assets being necessary to a successful athlete, I have always been mystified by the amount of attention given to the vertical jump. This action, coupled with one’s ability to run 40 yards as fast as possible, have been adopted by the sporting public as two indicators of pure athleticism. Undeniably, there is something spectacular about watching an athlete defy the force of gravity with a graceful and powerful disrespect.
It doesn’t matter if they are going to the hoop, to the ball, over someone or something, the vertical jump at its best is a sight to behold.
From a pure physical perspective, a person’s “vert,” as it is frequently called, can be an accurate indicator of their explosive ability, or at least potential, which can be harnessed to other athletic movements — whether it be in the weight room, the field or the court. The reason for this is because the same muscle types (basically, three different kinds using different energy systems) used for the vertical jump are used in these other applications, as well. Without being too much the “science guy,” there is also an event called the “stretch shortening cycle,” which is related to the speed at which a muscle can lengthen and then forcefully contract within tenths of seconds. The name assigned to the training method to elicit this cycle is “plyometrics.”
Plyometrics, while an excellent training method for developing explosive muscle types, is incorrectly associated as solely a jumping activity. Plyometrics should instead be regarded as any movement where a muscle undergoes a quick shortening movement before it undergoes an extremely fast lengthening. It is the speed by which that muscle can lengthen and shorten that increases an athlete’s quickness, power and yes, their “hops,” too. The act of sprinting would qualify as a plyometric based on the fact that as each foot strikes, the muscles of the ground contact leg shorten and then explosively lengthen into the next stride. While it applies primarily to lower body speed, it can also be developed to hand-arm speed as well. If an individual wishes to increase their vertical jump and overall speed through the use of plyometrics, attention should be placed on the following: