Environment fads: Washington Policy Center’s director of the Center for Environmental Policy, Todd Myers, will speak at 5:30 p.m. in the Trustees Room at the Portland Art Museum, 1119 S.W. Park Ave., about his new book “Eco-Fads: How the Rise of Trendy of Environmentalism is Harming the Environment.” Admission is $40 nonmembers; includes hors d’oeuvres and one drink ticket. * https://www.prsa-portland.org?q=eventdetail&id=472.
Lunch with Lawmakers: Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a series of brown bag luncheons, noon to 1 p.m. at Vancouver Community Library, 901 C St. Rep. Jim Moeller, 49th District, will speak during the first 15 minutes, followed by questions and answers. Limited seating. Free event, open to all. * Register at http://www.vancouverusa.com.
Small business government contracting workshop: Procurement Technical Assistance Center will offer a workshop for small-business owners to learn how to sell to government, 1-3 p.m. at WorkSource office, 5411 E. Mill Plain Blvd., Suite 15. Workshop led by Tiffany Scroggs, a certified procurement assistance specialist with the Center for Southwest Washington. * Reservations: 360-754-6320 or email tscroggs@thurstonedc.com.
Leads & Needs: Networking event, 7:30-9 a.m. at Beaches Restaurant and Bar, 1919 S.E. Columbia River Drive, $5. Continental breakfast provided. Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce members may bring a nonmember guest. * Reservations: 360-694-2588 or http://vancouverusa.com.