Women Entrepreneurs of Oregon: Networking dinner, “Leadership at the Top,” 5:45-8:30 p.m., Madison’s Grill, 1109 S.E. Madison, Portland. Cost is $30-$50. * Reservations: http://www.oregonweo.org/connect_grow_networking_dinner_mar_8; 503-432-8939.
Landlord Study Hall: Free forum 6:30 to 8 p.m., All Saints Episcopal Church, 4033 S.E. Woodstock Blvd., Portland. Free monthly forum for rental property owners to learn more about landlord-tenant law. Topic: drug dealing and drug use in your rental property. * 503-997-9035 or 503-772-8825 or http://www.landlordstudyhall.com.
Columbia River Economic Development Council first-quarter event, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hilton Vancouver Washington, 301 W. Sixth St. Alan Beaulieu, international analyst and economist, will provide steps for local businesses to take to stay ahead of future economic challenges. * Registration: Diane Dempcy, 360-567-3181, ddempcy@credc.org.
Free seminar, sponsored by Southwest Washington Workforce Development Council, offering information about tax breaks for hiring new employees and how to reduce unemployment insurance taxes and training dollars, 3 p.m. at WorkSource Vancouver, 5411 E. Mill Plain Blvd., Suite 15. * Registration: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/xptn3k7, Darcy Hoffman, 360-735-5038, dhoffman@esd.wa.gov.