The psychiatric community has been increasingly labeling our children with ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and depression and putting these kids on strong psychotropic medications.
In some areas of the country, more than 12 percent of kids are on these medications. ADHD meds are in the same class of drugs as methadrine and related stimulants, drugs which we fight to eradicate on the streets. There often is no actual test to determine if these children have this “condition.” It is a syndrome, which is created out of thin air based on a vote of the psychiatric associations (which have strong financial ties to big pharma).
Additionally, the great majority of kids diagnosed with ADHD are male. Kids put on these drugs usually go on to be put on antidepressants and become lifelong psychotropic drug consumers. The profits are huge. The side effects of these drugs are many and scary, including homicidal ideation and suicidal ideation. Do we really want to create a drugged society in which normal human conditions are described as “disorders.” Is this really good for our country and our future survival? Do we want to keep going down this road in which increasing numbers of us are turned into psychiatric zombies to create gigantic profits for some drug companies?
Rex Goble