Earth Day, usually celebrated April 22, is meant to inspire awareness and appreciation of the natural environment. It’s a day of celebration through service. Wondering how you can give back, while enjoying the outdoors with others?
Clark Public Utilities’ Stream Team will hold its twelfth Earth Day celebration at Salmon Creek Regional Park from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 23, with the help of Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation and Clark County Department of Environmental Services.
An EcoFair along the Salmon Creek Greenway will teach visitors how to lessen their environmental impact, save money and make contributions to the environment. There will be a recycled content fashion show at 10:30 a.m. At 10:45 a.m., the Saving Salmon Tour will lead visitors along the creek and explain the Stream Team’s efforts to bring back the fish – it starts at the registration booth. The Christie Snow Band will play a free show at noon. Organizers will also put on a wildlife show at 1 p.m.
During the closing ceremonies at 1:30 p.m., the Stream Team will congratulate its Watershed Reflections winners. The reflections are an environmental expression contest, in which children in the third to twelfth grades explore the natural history of where they live and express how they feel about their discoveries through art and literature.