Nonprofit Connections Fair: The Nonprofit Network Southwest Washington sponsors an event to connect nonprofit organizations to information and resources, 8 a.m. to noon at the Hilton Vancouver Washington, 301 W. Sixth St. The event offers a concentrated opportunity to exchange viable resources and relevant information. Cost is $49-$59. Register: http://www.nonprofitnetworkwa.org or Jeanne Kojis, 360-735-7110.
Leads & Needs: Sponsored by Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce, 7:30-9 a.m. at Beaches Restaurant and Bar, 1919 S.E. Columbia River Drive. Guest speaker is Veronika “Ronnie” Noize, a marketing coach. $5. Continental breakfast provided. Reservations: 360-694-2588 or http://vancouverusa.com.
Internet marketing workshop: SCORE sponsors a workshop to teach Web design and marketing, key words and search engine optimization for building a business, 8:30 a.m. to noon at ODS Tower, 601 S.W. Second Ave., Room 2030, Portland. Cost is $55 pre-paid, $65 at the door with a $5 discount for each additional person. 503-326-5211, http://www.scorepdx.org.
How to Use Wetbak Credits for Mitigation class, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Water Resources Education Center, 4600 S.E. Columbia Way. Cost is $75. Kate Thompson, wetland banking specialist with Ecology, Brad Murphy, wetland specialist with Ecology, and Gail Terzi, senior scientist with the Army Corps of Engineers, will teach the class. Members of AICP can earn six credits for the class. Register, http://www.coastaltraining-wa.org.