Internet techniques workshop: SCORE sponsors a “Web Search Engine Optimization” workshop for small businesses 8:30 a.m. to noon at George Fox University, 12753 S.W. 68th Ave., Portland. The presentation will include demonstrations of techniques for search engine optimization, including: an optimized website example, top search engines, how Google search works, is your website in the Google index?, creating website content, choosing a domain name, your search terms and phrases, effective word and phrase selection, and more. Cost is $55 prepaid, $65 at the door, with a $5 discount for additional people. Clients are encouraged to preregister at 8 a.m. * 503-326-5211 or
Free financial seminars: Columbia Credit Union offers free financial seminars: Roth IRA, 3501 S.E. 192nd Ave.; Budget Basics, June 16, 108 Grand Blvd.; CreditAbility, June 23 at 11712 N.E. 99th St. All seminars are at 7 p.m. except the Roth IRA seminar which begins at 6:30 p.m. * or 360-891-4000.
Spring seminar: Arrow Timber Framing is sponsoring the free 6 p.m. seminar at the Heathman Lodge, 7801 N.E. Greenwood Drive, to learn how to identify four basic timber frame styles and what the three biggest planning mistakes are and how to avoid them when picking a building designer. Refreshments. Seating is limited. * Reservations,, 360-597-8220 or, 360-901-5117.
Leads & Needs: Networking event, 7:30-9 a.m. at Beaches Restaurant & Bar, 1919 S.E. Columbia River Drive. $5. Continental breakfast provided. Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce members may bring a nonmember guest. * Reservations: 360-694-2588 or