I was only 3 years old, and playing in the backyard of our home in Spokane. I don’t know what time it was, but it suddenly started getting dark, and then snow started falling.
Well, it wasn’t really snow of course, but I actually remember thinking to myself “it’s snowing.”
Even though I was only 3, and had only turned 3 on the 2nd of May, the whole scenario felt wrong. It was about that time that my father came out and quickly brought me inside. I don’t recall feeling scared, though I remember there being a distinct tension in the neighborhood during the first few hours and days.
I don’t remember great detail regarding the rest of the event. I do remember that I was too small to wear one of the dust mask/respirators so instead I got a cloth tied around my face whenever we had to go out. I remember snow plows clearing the streets of ash, and people with snow shovels clearing the roofs of homes and businesses.