City of Camas Proposition No. 4 General Obligation Bonds Fire Safety Improvements

The Camas City Council adopted Ordinance 24-006 concerning funding for fire safety improvements. This proposition would authorize the City to acquire land and construct and equip a new fire station, renovate an existing fire station and acquire a new fire engine to improve fire safety throughout the City, and issue up to $26,300,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within a maximum of 26 years; and levy annual excess property taxes to repay the bonds, all as provided in Ordinance 24-006.



67.94% 5,373 votes


32.29% 1,440 votes

City of Washougal Proposition No. 12 Fire Station General Obligation Bonds - $15,725,000

The City Council of the City of Washougal adopted Ordinance No. 1979 concerning this proposition for bonds. This proposition authorizes the City to finance the construction and equipping of a new fire station to replace Fire Station 43; adjacent to and including shared facilities with the police station, to issue up to $15,725,000 of general obligation bonds maturing within a maximum term of 29 years to finance such improvements; and levy property taxes annually in excess of regular property tax levies to repay such bonds, as provided in Ordinance No. 1979.



68.42% 3,265 votes


31.58% 1,507 votes

Town of Yacolt Proposition No. 5 Emergency Medical Program Excess Levy

The Town Council, Town of Yacolt, Clark County, Washington, adopted Resolution No. 624, referring to the voters the proposition described herein. This proposition allows the electors of the Town of Yacolt, to authorize a one year excess levy to be made in 2024 for collection in 2025 in the total amount of $271,048, at an approximate tax rate of $1.30 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, with the proceeds of such excess levy to be used for maintenance, operation and staff salaries for the North Country Emergency Medical Service for an estimated three (3) year period.



85.19% 322 votes


14.81% 56 votes

Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue Proposition No. 4 Levy Lid Lift Authorizing Restoration of Previous Property Tax Levy

The Board of Fire Commissioners of Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue adopted Resolution No. 240328-1 concerning a proposition to maintain and adequately fund fire district operations. This proposition would authorize the fire district to restore its regular property tax levy to $1.50 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation for collection in 2025 and authorize setting the limit factor at 106% for each of the following five years (not to exceed the $1.50 rate) to acquire emergency response equipment, address capital facility needs, and improve department operations. The maximum allowable levy in 2029 shall serve as the base for subsequent levy limitations.



Clark County
62.78% 8,176 votes
71.12% 8,921 votes


Clark County
37.22% 4,847 votes
28.88% 3,622 votes

East County Fire and Rescue Proposition No. 5 Property Tax Levy for Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services

The Board of East County Fire and Rescue adopted Resolution No. 343-03192024 concerning a proposition to maintain and adequately fund district operations. This proposition authorizes the district to restore its regular property tax levy to $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value to be assessed in 2024 and collected in 2025. The funds will maintain and improve fire protection, emergency medical services and facilities, replace apparatus and equipment, and provide for firefighter safety. The maximum allowable levy in 2025 shall serve as the base for subsequent levy limitations as provided by chapter 84.55 RCW.



63.58% 2,311 votes


36.42% 1,324 votes

Clark County Fire Protection District No. 3 Proposition No. 5 Fire and Emergency Services Levy Lid Lift

The Board of Fire Commissioners of Clark County Fire Protection District No. 3 adopted Resolution 2024-03 to fund fire protection and emergency medical services. This proposition authorizes the District to limit its regular property tax levy to $1.50 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation in 2024 for collection in 2025 with an annual levy limit factor of 6% (not to exceed the $1.50 rate) for each of the five succeeding years for the purposes of increasing staffing, addressing equipment and training needs, and improving facilities. The levy amount in 2030 shall serve as the base for subsequent levy limitations. Should the proposition be enacted into law?



69.08% 14,571 votes


30.92% 6,523 votes

Clark County Fire Protection District No. 6 Proposition No. 5 Property Tax Levy for Fire Protection and Emergency Medica

The Board of Clark County Fire Protection District No. 6 adopted Resolution No. 2024-03 concerning a proposition to maintain and adequately fund District operations. This proposition would finance fire protection and emergency medical services by restoring the District's 2024 regular property tax levy to an amount not to exceed $1.50 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation and authorizing setting the limit factor at 106% for each of the following five years. The maximum allowable levy in the final year shall serve as the base for subsequent levy limitations as provided by Chapter 84.55 RCW.



68.96% 8,133 votes


31.04% 3,661 votes

Clark County Fire Protection District No. 13 Proposition No. 2 Levy Lid Lift Authorizing Restoration of Previous Propert

The Board of Commissioners for Clark County Fire District #13 adopted Resolution No. 2024-03-01 concerning a proposition to maintain and adequately fund District operations. This proposition authorizes the District to restore its regular property tax levy to $1.35 per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation in 2024 for collection in 2025 and authorize setting the levy limit factor at 106% (not to exceed the $1.35 rate) for each of the five succeeding years for the purposes of acquiring additional personnel, addressing capital needs, and improving operations. The maximum allowable levy in 2030 shall serve as the base for subsequent levy limitations provided by RCW chapter 84.55.



73.95% 1,025 votes


26.05% 361 votes

Clark County Emergency Medical Service District No. 1 Proposition No. 5 Emergency Medical Program Excess Levy

The Board of County Councilors of Clark County, Washington adopted Resolution No. 2024-04-06, referring to the voters the foregoing proposition. This proposition allows the electors of Clark County Emergency Medical Service District No. 1 to authorize a one-year excess levy to be made in 2024 for collection in 2025 in the total amount of $3,562,942, at an approximate tax rate of $1.30 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, with the proceeds of such excess levy to be used for maintenance, operation and staff salaries for the North Country Emergency Medical Service for an estimated three (3) year period. Should this levy be approved?


Tax Levy ... yes

74.30% 3,564 votes

Tax levy ... no

25.70% 1,232 votes