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Photo of Patty Hastings

Stories by Patty Hastings

Columbian Social Services, Demographics, Faith

The Rev. Marva J. Edwards gives the opening remarks during last year&#039;s Juneteenth event at Marshall Park, held by the Vancouver chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Juneteenth commemorates end of slavery in the U.S.

The Rev. Marva J. Edwards gives the opening remarks during last year&#039;s Juneteenth event at Marshall Park, held by the Vancouver chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

June 16, 2016, 6:02am Clark County Life

Current Juneteenth commemorations reflect how people celebrated 151 years ago when the last slaves in America were freed. Read story

Erica Marchbank, second from bottom left, organizes monthly community-building breakfasts aimed at making Clark County's social fabric stronger.

Orlando shooting sparks local reactions

Erica Marchbank, second from bottom left, organizes monthly community-building breakfasts aimed at making Clark County's social fabric stronger.

June 13, 2016, 1:55pm Clark County News

Like other people across the country, Erica Marchbank turned on the television Sunday morning and sat with her jaw open, learning of the massacre that happened at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Read story

Volunteer Steve Goodin sorts through donated food Thursday evening at the new location of Martha&#039;s Pantry in Vancouver Heights United Methodist Church.

After the fire, new life for Martha’s Pantry

Volunteer Steve Goodin sorts through donated food Thursday evening at the new location of Martha&#039;s Pantry in Vancouver Heights United Methodist Church.

June 9, 2016, 7:57pm Churches & Religion

Serendipity. That could be one word to describe the series of events following a fire at First Congregational United Church of Christ that led Martha’s Pantry to its new home at Vancouver Heights United Methodist Church. Read story

Arc of SouthWest Washington director to step down

June 8, 2016, 7:24pm Clark County News

Michael Piper is leaving his role as executive director of The Arc of Southwest Washington due to medical issues. His last day will be July 1, and the nonprofit’s board of directors looks to fill the vacancy next month. Read story

Pauline and Bob Kirchner receive the Philanthropists of the Year award Tuesday during the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington&#039;s annual luncheon.

Ed Lynch’s parting gift will sustain foundation

Pauline and Bob Kirchner receive the Philanthropists of the Year award Tuesday during the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington&#039;s annual luncheon.

June 7, 2016, 7:31pm Clark County News

Michael Lynch announced Tuesday that his father, the late philanthropist Ed Lynch, left $2 million to sustain operations at the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington. The Vancouver-based foundation helps people in Southwest Washington plan charitable giving. Read story

Kori York was the first client to buy a Proud Ground house outside of unincorporated Clark County. Becoming a homeowner was &quot;a God shot&quot; for the recovering addict.

Proud Ground helps woman go from homeless to homeowner

Kori York was the first client to buy a Proud Ground house outside of unincorporated Clark County. Becoming a homeowner was &quot;a God shot&quot; for the recovering addict.

June 7, 2016, 6:03am Clark County News

Twenty years ago, Kori York says she was homeless, helpless, hopeless and drunk. She was far removed from the life she’s now carved out for herself — a life that includes sobriety and homeownership. Read story

U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell, right, visits 1st Street Apartments, a complex in east Vancouver built using low-income housing tax credits.

Sen. Cantwell touts housing bill in Vancouver visit

U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell, right, visits 1st Street Apartments, a complex in east Vancouver built using low-income housing tax credits.

June 3, 2016, 8:25pm Business

U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell stopped in Vancouver on Friday to promote a bill she introduced last month that’s projected to create an additional 4,288 affordable housing units in Washington over a 10-year period. Read story

Robby Wilson works with a nail gun at an apartment construction site in downtown Vancouver.

Report looks at lack of affordable housing

Robby Wilson works with a nail gun at an apartment construction site in downtown Vancouver.

June 2, 2016, 5:27pm Clark County News

How much do you need to make to afford a modest two-bedroom apartment in Clark County? It's more than the area's median wage of $20.32, and much more than the average renter's wage, estimated at $13.95 per hour. Read story

Felisciana Peralta, left, Val Joshua Racial Justice Award and Astrid DuBois, Val Joshua Youth Social Justice Award & Scholarship

2 honored for efforts to stamp out racism

Felisciana Peralta, left, Val Joshua Racial Justice Award and Astrid DuBois, Val Joshua Youth Social Justice Award & Scholarship

June 2, 2016, 6:03am Clark County News

Two women received the Val Joshua Racial Justice Youth Social Justice Awards during a ceremony Wednesday at the YWCA Clark County headquarters in west Vancouver. Read story

Stephen Burks, a driver for FISH of Vancouver, unloads boxes of donated food in front of Central Park Place.

Community comes together for Central Park Place

Stephen Burks, a driver for FISH of Vancouver, unloads boxes of donated food in front of Central Park Place.

June 1, 2016, 6:01am Clark County Life

Bob Ewing said he likes to make large quantities of food such as chili or stew that he can share with other residents at Central Park Place. The 61-year-old Vietnam veteran said he particularly likes cooking a pot of clam chowder a couple of times a year and hauling it… Read story