In 2002 the Department of Veterans Affairs set a ruling to restrict presumptive exposure to our Blue Water Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange.
The VA has failed to recognize those Vietnam veterans who served in the territorial waters, bays and harbors of Vietnam. The VA’s policy was challenged, and they came up with a new definition of how far the dioxins in Agent Orange were dispersed. Draw a line across the rivers and streams and that’s where the dioxins stopped. Nothing reached the bays, harbors or coastal waters. We are still fighting with the VA 16 years later.
According to the United States Naval Academy, only about 800,000 are alive today — and they are dying at a rate of 390 per day.
The Blue Water Veterans are still waiting for the government to keep the promise that was made to them 50 years ago. Our politicians are spending billions to help other nations but will do nothing for our own Blue Water Veterans.
Vietnam Veterans Day is Thursday. Please support our Blue Water Veterans by contacting your representatives in the House and Senate, asking them to support HR 299 and S-422, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2017.