Climate change is coming! The end is coming! For decades, we’ve heard the incessant drumbeat of environmentalists, and more recently climate-change evangelists, preaching the impending blue planet’s Judgment Day. Clearly, humankind has been reckless with this old planet we call home. Sadly, money, indifference and ignorance are the root causes of our neglectful stewardship.
We are, in some measure, accelerating climate change, but certainly not at the rate trumpeted by fixated scientists and egocentric prophets of doom. Even science concedes evidence from former eons of earth-time, when significant and even abrupt climate and physical earth-change came about with little or no human contribution.
Few of us are willing to change our lifestyles, and even fewer would be willing to turn the world clock back to pre-industrial and technological innovation. U.N. resolutions, international accords, carbon taxes, and government regulation and penalties are not the answer. The best solution is through education, positive incentives and earth-friendly technologies.
You’ll notice, climate-change evangelists come in different stripes: from scientists, governors, congressional leaders and activists, media sensationalists and shysters out to make a quick buck. Pay close attention — those who bark the loudest about climate change often leave the largest carbon footprint.