During a recent trip to New Seasons, I lingered over the soup island, assessing the different options and wondering if I should get a cup of something warm and comforting.
Another woman named Laurie was doing the same thing.
“Grocery store soup isn’t very good,” she said as she looked at our options, then relented, grabbing a bowl of soup and heading to the cafe.
Hmm, I thought. Could she be right?
That question nagged at me for days, so I recently set out to see if she was right, making stops at Chuck’s Produce and Street Market, New Seasons and Whole Foods, seeking good grab-and-go soup. Here’s what I found.
• CHUCK’S PRODUCE — I started at Chuck’s Produce and Street Market on Mill Plain where I could choose from six different soups: beef chili, Hungarian mushroom, black bean and turkey ham, fish chowder, split pea with ham, and vegetable barley with mushrooms.