Watching the presidential debate on Monday gave us a clear vision of how Donald Trump performs during debates. If elected, would he perform that way in discussions and/or negotiations with other countries? If he were to be directly involved in such discussions, there are some (and maybe a lot) of foreign country leaders that would quickly tire of him butting in when they were talking.
For instance, how might the leader of North Korea react to him butting in all the time? I think such conduct could cause a massive failure of that discussion or negotiating effort. If North Korea becomes successful in building missiles that could reach the United States and if Trump angered the North Korean leader too much with his butting in, would the North Korean leader just walk away and go launch some missiles that might hit our country to “teach Donald” not to butt in? We all better think about that, especially Trump.
I don’t know yet who I will vote for in the election, but Trump’s performance at the debate left me totally unimpressed with him. And, yes, Hillary Clinton also did a few things at the debate that I was not impressed with.