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Florida governor pushes Congress for Zika money

By Associated Press
Published: September 13, 2016, 7:16pm

WASHINGTON (AP) — Florida GOP Gov. Rick Scott came to Washington on Tuesday to press for money to fight the Zika virus, making his case with top congressional Republicans like House Speaker Paul Ryan — while blasting away at the Obama administration and Democrats like three-term Florida Sen. Bill Nelson.

“In our state we started having (Zika) cases back in February. I’ve been asking for Congress to be a partner since then. I’ve asked for the federal government to do funding. They haven’t done it,” Scott said Tuesday as he left a meeting with Ryan, R-Wis. “The Obama administration’s not been a good partner.”

Scott made his trip as lawmakers struggle to reach a bipartisan deal to fund the battle against Zika, which is a major hang-up for a temporary spending bill that’s the top item on Capitol Hill’s slim pre-election agenda. Zika can cause grave birth defects and other health problems, and can be passed on by mosquito bites and sexual contact.

Senate Democrats have filibustered a $1.1 billion Zika measure drafted by Republicans, chiefly over a provision sought by antiabortion forces that is designed to make Planned Parenthood clinics in Puerto Rico ineligible for grants to provide medical care and contraception to help fight the virus.
