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Maine governor says he’ll speak to ‘fair’ talk radio only

By Associated Press
Published: September 6, 2016, 9:43am

AUGUSTA, Maine — Maine GOP Gov. Paul LePage has ruled out talking to the media — except “respectful and fair” talk radio hosts.

LePage told WVOM-FM on Tuesday that although he doesn’t always like the radio hosts’ questions, he thinks they’re “appropriate.”

The governor says he wants to “move on” almost two weeks after leaving a Democratic lawmaker an obscenity-laden voicemail and saying he wished he could challenge the lawmaker to a duel and point a gun at his forehead.

LePage apologized and blamed the media for fueling the controversy. He then vowed to never speak to the media again.

Democrats want LePage to resign, which LePage has ruled out. House members have until 5 p.m. Tuesday to say whether they support a special session to take action on LePage’s conduct.
