Beware! The bureaucratic “bathroom bullies” are now lurking in North Carolina. Once again, it seems the feds are doing what they do best — bullying citizens and states into compliance by using lawsuits and threats that cost us our liberties and millions of our precious dollars.
Speak up, women in America. Do you want a voice in this matter or do you want us men to make the decision for you? Take this opportunity to have the last word on an issue that affects you directly and demand that you get to vote on whether or not transgenders use your restrooms.
If you feel comfortable with former male gender persons entering the women’s “private domain” and using the stall next to you, so be it. But would you be comfortable with a depraved male or pedophile walking in and stripping away your daughter’s or granddaughter’s dignity?
We have a democratic process guaranteed by our Constitution. Demand it and use it. Otherwise, your voice may be silenced by the courts. Then again, maybe public restrooms should be open to all — that way, we concerned men can ensure our wives and daughters are safe.