Well, this certainly comes as no surprise. Birds of a feather, and all that.
Still, with state Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, endorsing Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, the hypocrisy and the duplicity and the self-delusion are simply too rich to not take a bite. Consider the Trumpian reasoning Benton provided in a press release announcing his support for the candidate:
“The modern Republican Party has lost its way,” writes the man who has been an elected official since 1994 (he’s not seeking re-election this year) and once served as chairman of the state GOP.
“Just last session, Republican Senate leaders in Olympia passed the largest gas tax increase in Washington state history with little to no reform to DOT,” Benton writes, just a few sentences before adding that one of Trump’s attributes is that he will “rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.” Yeah, maybe Trump will even build a new Interstate 5 Bridge.
“Once elected, many of those same Republican leaders would then focus on building their own power base and rewarding their friends,” writes the man who also holds a Clark County job that is the epitome of cronyism. Benton is the county’s director of Environmental Services not by virtue of having any qualifications for the job, but simply through the largesse of Republican buddies David Madore and Tom Mielke. That hiring, by the way, cost the county $250,000 in a lawsuit — hardly the embodiment of fiscal conservatism.