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News / Northwest

Judge: Nevada should decide detention in ranching standoff

By Associated Press
Published: March 17, 2016, 9:37am

CONCORD, N.H. — A judge says a federal court in Nevada should review the detention of a New Hampshire man facing charges in a 2014 standoff by ranchers opposed to federal control of public lands.

Gerald DeLemus, of Rochester, is charged in Nevada with being a “mid-level leader” and organizer of a conspiracy to recruit, organize, train and provide support to armed men and other followers of rancher Cliven Bundy.

A U.S. magistrate judge in New Hampshire placed DeLemus’ transfer to Nevada on hold last week. She now says DeLemus can take his request to delay a transfer to a Nevada judge.

In ruling, she cited court decisions that reviews of detention orders in the district of arrest must occur in the district of prosecution.

His lawyer says DeLemus had nothing to do with the confrontation.
