Traffic fixes:Options sought to control flow
Aside from building a new bridge, transportation officials say there’s little they can do to significantly reduce congestion and collisions on Interstate 5. But they are considering smaller changes to highway infrastructure that would help control traffic flow and educate drivers.
“At this point our direction is whatever we can do for low-cost operational improvements,” said Rick Keniston, regional traffic engineer for the Washington State Department of Transportation.
This fall, WSDOT will study whether to add more meters to southbound onramps. Metering onramps is an effective way to gradually increase traffic capacity on busy highways. Currently just the onramp from westbound Highway 14 onto southbound I-5 is metered.
In the future, WSDOT could put variable speed limit signs, like those used around Seattle, on I-5. The agency is also looking at queue warning systems that rely on roadway-embedded sensors to detect traffic backups and post the information on electronic signs.
Both states recently installed reader boards along I-5 to tell drivers how long it currently takes to drive to major junction points. WSDOT also urges people to check its social media pages and use its smartphone application to see what is happening on the highways before they go.
“What we’re trying to do now is warn people. During the most heavily congested periods people aren’t moving very fast, so even if you have accidents they’re very minor,” said Oregon Department of Transportation traffic engineer Dennis Mitchell. “The tail end of the peak hour, when people are moving faster … is what we’re trying to deal with.”
ODOT is seeking funds to expand real-time signs that update drivers on traffic snafus farther up the road, so they can be prepared to slow down or use alternate routes. ODOT spokesman Don Hamilton said the department has seen a 21 percent decrease in crashes on Oregon Highway 217, where similar signs are in use. If the funding is approved, the signs could be installed by 2018.
— Dameon Pesanti