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Will the United Kingdom stay or go?

Vote on whether to leave EU has implications far beyond Britain, Europe

By Tom Hudson, Miami Herald
Published: June 19, 2016, 4:50pm

The most important election for investors this summer happens in the week ahead. And it happens in the United Kingdom.

British voters will decide on Thursday whether to remain in the European Union or not. Like most elections led by economics and fed by emotions, the biggest risk of the Brexit vote is the sheer uncertainty of it; uncertainty of Thursday’s results, uncertainty of what leaving the EU would do to the British economy and the uncertainty of the impact on the rest of Europe.

Thursday’s vote has consequences for immigration, trade and regulations in Britain. It also will echo in all corners of the global financial world. Banks on the European continent hold billions of dollars of U.K. bonds as an emergency financial cushion. If Britain exits the EU, those may have to be replaced. The British have their own currency, the pound, which could drop to a 30-year low if the U.K. leaves, according to a Bloomberg survey. The U.S. dollar could strengthen, making American exports that much more expensive as U.S. companies look for foreign buyers to help fuel profits.

London real estate, some of the most expensive in the world, could drop in value. The U.K. Treasury has warned leaving the EU would mean a half million fewer jobs and a slower economy two years after any exit.

That could threaten American investor portfolios. Over the past 15 years, U.S. companies have generated nine percent of their global profits from the United Kingdom. The U.K. is a funnel for American companies and their shareholders to invest in Europe and beyond.

This is as big of an economic decision by voters than there has been in modern times. This won’t be a financial policy decided by politicians or an economic regulation handed down by bureaucrats. This is economic self-determination by referendum.
