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Palestinian president ready to work with Trump for peace

By Associated Press
Published: December 31, 2016, 7:38pm

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says he is willing to work with President-elect Donald Trump to reach a two-state solution to the conflict with Israel. Abbas spoke Saturday at an event marking the anniversary of his Fatah party.

He said, “We want to emphasize our willingness to work with the newly-elected American administration …to achieve peace … based on a two-state solution.”

Abbas thanked the U.S. for its U.N. abstention vote last week, which allowed the Security Council to adopt a resolution declaring Israeli settlements in territory claimed by Palestinians illegal.

The two-state solution has been the basis for peace talks under the past several U.S administrations. 

Trump’s election platform didn’t mention a Palestinian state and his choice for ambassador to Israel has strong ties to the West Bank settler movement.
