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News / Northwest

Oregon snowpack at 139 percent of average

By Associated Press
Published: December 20, 2016, 7:25pm

BEND, Ore. (AP) — Monitors say Oregon snowpack levels are promising for the early part of the season.

The Bulletin reported that on Friday, Oregon was at 139 percent of the statewide average snow water equivalent compared to 131 percent in 2010 and 217 percent in 2001. Average snow water equivalent measures the amount of water in snow.

Scott Oviatt, snow survey supervisor for the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Oregon, said this is the best early start to the season since 2011.

Snowpack measures the mass of snow on the ground that will fill waterways in the spring. Snowmelt from the mountains provides about 70 percent of the water supply in much of the Western U.S.

Oviatt said an early December start and an early indicator of snow can potentially signal a wet winter and a good amount of water available in spring.
