I am not writing this as a negative on Clinton, I am asking from an uneducated point of view. I have never been in politics and never went to college. I have worked every day of my adult life. I have always paid my bills, taxes, and insurance for myself and now for my family. I read all the mainstream media and the not-so-mainstream. I Google search most of what is not talked about or elaborated on.
Now with that said I cannot find any notable achievements that Clinton has ever accomplished. There are many minor ones but, with the titles she has held, nothing notable. Then, in drastic comparison, the list of scandals dates back all the way to the early 1970s with the Whitewater scandal and questionable commodities trading.
The list is long and to the present with her private server email lies that she now has admitted, and the ink isn’t even dry on her rigged DNC nomination, which is now proven. Still she admits nothing and takes responsibility for nothing. The mainstream news media is helping her commit these frauds by allowing her a blind eye. I don’t know how she can still be in public service.
So I have to ask: why would anyone vote for Hillary Clinton?