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Downey to be in new Spider-Man film

By David Betancourt, The Washington Post
Published: April 25, 2016, 6:06am

Now that the cinematic rights of Spider-Man are being shared between Sony and Marvel Studios, it only makes sense that the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s biggest star be allowed to burn bright in his fellow Avenger’s big “homecoming.”

Variety is reporting that Robert Downey Jr. has agreed to a deal to star as Tony Stark in 2017’s “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” the highly anticipated solo Spider-Man film that returns Spidey (played by newcomer Tom Holland) to the trusted creative minds at Marvel Studios.

This Iron Man/Spider-Man move serves as an exclamation point for Marvel Studios, which has earned its status as the most trusted name in handling Marvel comic book characters.

Ahead of next month’s “Captain America: Civil War,” the decision to include Tony Stark in the next Spider-Man movie — one that fittingly celebrates Spidey being “home” — is a brilliant move. That’s because having Downey’s Iron Man popup in Tom Holland’s first solo Spider-Man outing lends a degree of assured Marvel authenticity and swagger to the proceedings.

As the Marvel Cinematic Universe grew in recent years, Spider-Man’s filmic isolation began to make experiencing him feel off — just not quite right.

Homecomings should foster the warmth of old friends. Sony and Marvel, by doubling down with Downey, have just turned up the thermostat of anticipation.
