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Republican debate analysis: Fiorina shines, Trump underwhelms

Front-runner faces fierce criticism from his rivals

By STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press
Published: September 17, 2015, 8:48pm
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Republican presidential candidate, businessman Donald Trump speaks during the CNN Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015, in Simi Valley, Calif. (AP Photo/Mark J.
Republican presidential candidate, businessman Donald Trump speaks during the CNN Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015, in Simi Valley, Calif. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill) Photo Gallery

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — Republican voters fed up with Washington and anyone with a background in politics have cheered billionaire businessman Donald Trump as the ultimate 2016 outsider, making him the front-runner for the GOP nomination.

But Trump’s lack of experience with public policy was exposed throughout the second GOP presidential debate on Wednesday, a three-hour marathon that delved deep into complicated issues at home and abroad.

It was a night that allowed others to shine, however briefly, as they showed off their command of issues and talked with precision about what they’d do if elected president.

After dominating the first debate a month ago, Trump faced fierce criticism from his Republican rivals from the outset of the debate at the Reagan Presidential Library outside Los Angeles. He disappeared for long stretches and even acknowledged at one point that he has a lot yet to learn about global affairs.

Here’s a look at how the eleven Republican candidates for president participating in the main-event debate fared Wednesday night.

DONALD TRUMP: The clear target of many of his rivals. Also challenged by the debate’s moderators to demonstrate proficiency on foreign policy and national security. Challenged by Carly Fiorina for his recent comments about her appearance, and by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush for attributing Bush’s support for an immigration overhaul to his wife’s Mexican heritage.

JEB BUSH: Tried unsuccessfully to elicit apology from Trump for comments about his wife. Came on strong toward the end. Won one of the few big applause moments when he countered a criticism from Trump of his brother, former President George W. Bush, with the line: “He kept us safe.”

CARLY FIORINA: Critical of Trump’s business dealings, but got ensnared in a comparison of professional records. In her first prime-time debate, Fiorina stood out, vocally asserting her ideas on foreign policy. Memorably said “women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said,” when responding to a question about Trump’s critique of Fiorina’s appearance.

SCOTT WALKER: Was among several candidates who went after Trump early in the debate, attacking him for projects that went into bankruptcy. The attack fell flat amid the vocal back-and-forth between the two. Walker was quiet during much of the second half of the debate, and echoed Marco Rubio during an opportunity to distinguish himself late on climate change.

MARCO RUBIO: Largely stayed out of the fray with Trump. Demonstrated fluency on foreign and economic policy. Continued to season his comments with his family history as the son of a Cuban immigrant.

MIKE HUCKABEE: Hewed close to his social conservative base, stayed away from Trump attacks, but also went 45 minutes without being asked a question. Insisted he would require Supreme Court nominees be abortion opponents, and defended the Kentucky county clerk who refused to grant marriage licenses to gay couples.

TED CRUZ: Cruz held close to his Tea Party base by promising to “rip to shreds this catastrophic Iranian nuclear deal,” railing against federal funding for Planned Parenthood and calling his support for the confirmation of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts a mistake in light of his decisions that upheld the 2010 federal health care law.

BEN CARSON: The popular retired neurosurgeon questioned Trump’s assertion that childhood vaccinations were a contributor to autism. He, too, was challenged by moderators to demonstrate foreign policy fluency, but was also notably left out of the questioning about the trustworthiness of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

RAND PAUL:Standing at far stage right, Paul had the best line of the night on the Iraq war and the fight against the Islamic State. “If you want boots on the ground, and you want them to be our sons and daughters, you got 14 other choices. There will always be a Bush or Clinton for you, if you want to go back to war in Iraq.”

JOHN KASICH: Like Rubio, tried to steer clear of Trump attacks. Promoted compassion for drug offenders, recommended Mother Teresa be enshrined on U.S. currency and touted and projected a cheerfulness “where everybody’s actions make a huge difference in changing the world.”

CHRIS CHRISTIE: Kept his focus on middle-class voters, memorably criticizing Fiorina and Trump for arguing over the business résumés, saying struggling Americans “could care less.” Projected a law-and-order image: the former prosecutor opposed legalizing marijuana when some called it a state issue.

— THOMAS BEAUMONT, Associated Press

The former reality television star avoided any major gaffes, yet delivered an underwhelming performance by the conventional standards of presidential politics. “He had his tail between his legs tonight,” said Republican strategist Kevin Madden.

It may be some time before anyone knows if that will have any effect on Trump’s place in the field — his supporters have so far embraced his decidedly unconventional approach to presidential politics.

Another outsider, former technology executive Carly Fiorina, may have helped herself the most Wednesday night. Seizing her debut moment on the main debate stage, she attacked Trump as “an entertainer,” offered a passionate case against Planned Parenthood and spoke in specifics when talking about foreign affairs.

She delivered one of the debate’s most memorable moments when responding to a derogatory comment Trump made in a recent interview about her looks. Fiorina said simply, “I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said,” winning the first ovation of the night from the live audience.

Trump responded, “I think she’s got a beautiful face, and I think she’s a beautiful woman” — a line that won few cheers, if any at all.

The third Republican outsider, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, maintained a positive outlook throughout the night in keeping with his image as the GOP’s most likable candidate. Having surged in recent polls, he earned far more air time during the crowded debate than he did in the first event last month, but when given the opportunity, he offered few specifics on major issues such as immigration and national security.

“Real leadership is what I would hopefully bring to America,” Carson said in a tentative closing statement.

Wednesday’s focus on substance played to the strengths of a handful of candidates, among them former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

“You should ask him questions in detail about the foreign policy issues our president will confront, because you had better be able to lead our country on the first day,” Rubio charged when asked about Trump’s recent struggle to answer questions about world leaders.

“I will know more about the problems of this world by the time I sit (in the White House),” Trump said, noting that he didn’t know as much about international affairs because he doesn’t have the experience that Rubio does as a member of the Senate.

Christie, mired at the bottom of the preference polls used to select which candidates get to take part in the GOP’s debates, made waves by making the case to Trump and Fiorina alike that voters don’t much care about their r?sum?s.

“While I’m as entertained as anyone by this personal back-and-forth about the history of Donald and Carly’s career,” he said, “for the 55-year-old construction worker out in that audience tonight who doesn’t have a job, who can’t fund his child’s education — I gotta tell you the truth — they could care less about your careers.”

Bush flashed a clear knowledge of the issues — and his lack of smoothness as a speaker. But confronted with what some consider to be his greatest political liability, his last name, the son of one president and brother of another scored points with the crowd after Trump said, “Your brother’s administration gave us Barack Obama.”

Clearly prepared for the attack, Bush shot back, “As it relates to my brother, there’s one thing I know for sure: He kept us safe,” Bush said as the crowd erupted in applause.

The exchange was just one example in which Trump, usually a master in the spotlight, failed to score a clear victory. Such home-run moments were rare on Wednesday, especially for the candidate most in need of a strong performance: Scott Walker.

The Wisconsin governor was asked few questions by the debate’s moderators and faded after an early effort to inject himself into the scrum going after Trump in the debate’s first hour.

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There remain more than four months before the first of those states, Iowa, will begin voting, and several more debates to come. Time enough for the GOP’s outsiders to continue making their case, including Trump, who didn’t seem to mind when called out as a mere “entertainer” Wednesday night.

“What I am, far and away greater than an entertainer, is a businessman, and that’s the kind of mindset this country needs to bring it back,” Trump said.

