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Filmmaker Steven Spielberg plunges into the Cold War

By JAKE COYLE, Associated Press
Published: September 6, 2015, 6:00am

NEW YORK — The nearly three-year wait since Steven Spielberg’s last movie (2012’s “Lincoln”) comes to an end this October with the spy thriller “Bridge of Spies.”

There won’t be another gap like that for a while. Having just locked “Bridge of Spies,” Spielberg is already editing his next film, Roald Dahl’s “The BFG,” and is in pre-production on “Ready Player One,” a sci-fi adventure from Ernest Cline’s best-seller.

It’s a pace that Spielberg, 68, says he plans to continue.

“Bridge of Spies,” due out Oct. 16, is a new chapter in history for Spielberg and one he knows personally: the Cold War. Tom Hanks stars as James Donovan, a lawyer the CIA recruited to rescue a spy pilot downed in the Soviet Union.

In a recent interview, the director spoke about making the true-life tale, the unexpected success of “Jurassic World” and his distaste for superhero movies.

What attracted you to “Bridge of Spies”?

I’ve always wanted to make a spy movie. This is not James Bond. Only James Bond can be James Bond. I’ve always been fascinated with the entertainment value of the James Bond spy series of movies, as well as the serious John le Carre spy novels, especially the Martin Ritt movie “The Spy Who Came in From the Cold.”

Were you interested in making a film set during the Cold War?

I lived through the Cold War and I was very aware of the possibility of walking down the street and seeing a white flash and being atomized. I was very, very aware of what a tentative and insecure time it was, especially for young people. It’s something that made a big impression on me as a kid.

Do you see a connection between that time and today?

There’s so much relevance between the late ’50s and today. We fly drones today; they flew U2 spy planes over Soviet Russia in the ’50s. Our story is also about the shooting down of Gary Powers’ U2 and the apprehension of a Soviet spy working in this country for over a decade: Rudolph Abel. And the negotiator — a fish-out-of-water — an insurance attorney who used to be the associate prosecutor at the Nuremberg war-crime trials who was called upon to defend an alleged Soviet spy. … It’s a story about a very righteous, principled individual — and for Tom Hanks, it’s right up his alley.

This is your fourth film with him.

Every collaboration is better than the one before. We’re having a great time together.

You caused a stir two years ago when you predicted Hollywood was headed toward an “implosion” because of the over-abundance of mega-budget movies. Do you still feel that way?

I do. I still feel that way. We were around when the Western died and there will be a time when the superhero movie goes the way of the Western. … Of course, right now the superhero movie is alive and thriving. I’m only saying that these cycles have a finite time in popular culture.

Were you surprised by the success of “Jurassic World,” on which you were an executive producer?

I’m back in the dinosaur business, it appears. We promised them more teeth and they rewarded us for it. I would have been ecstatic if we had done what the town was expecting, which was a $100 million three-day weekend. That would have just made my whole year. But the fact that it did over twice what the prognosticators were predicting, it just blew me away.
