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Boat people talks: Nations urged to cooperate to address S.E. Asia migrant crisis

The Columbian
Published: May 29, 2015, 12:00am

BANGKOK — In the past month, more than 3,000 desperate, hungry people have landed on the shores of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, drawing international attention to a crisis in Southeast Asia. Arrivals of the overcrowded boats — crammed with Rohingya Muslims fleeing persecution in Myanmar and impoverished Bangladeshis hoping to find jobs — have now slowed. But the crisis is far from over, and will be the topic of a conference today in Bangkok to be attended by senior officials from across the Asia-Pacific and beyond.

A look at key issues and challenges:

History: Minority Rohingya Muslims have been fleeing predominantly Buddhist Myanmar for decades, and paying human traffickers with flimsy boats to take them away from violence and state-sanctioned discrimination. For years, Southeast Asia has quietly ignored the issue, partly because of a policy of not publicly criticizing each other’s governments. But recently the problem became too big to overlook. Thailand launched a crackdown on human trafficking earlier this month that prompted smugglers to abandon their boats, leaving what aid groups estimated were thousands of migrants stranded at sea.

Challenges: Most countries have made clear they are not keen to take in the Rohingya or the Bangladeshi migrants, fearing that accepting a few will invite many more.

• Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia agree that the key to solving the migrant crisis is addressing “the root cause” — which means the situation in Myanmar. It’s not an easy task when Myanmar officials are loath to even utter the word “Rohingya.”

• The United States is prepared to take a leading role in resettling the most vulnerable Rohingya refugees, according to State department spokeswoman Marie Harf. She said the U.S. was “taking a careful look” at the Malaysian-Indonesia request to resettle migrants after a year of temporary shelter, but noted that the U.S. took in more than 1,000 Rohingya in the past fiscal year and “obviously can’t take this all on ourselves.”

Today’s goals: International human rights groups have urged the countries to prioritize and address the most urgent problems.

Human Rights Watch called on Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia to find a better, coordinated method of saving the people still stranded at sea — and urged Thailand to allow migrants to disembark on their shores.

It urged the governments to put pressure on Myanmar to end the repressive policies that drive Rohingya to flee.
