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Ukraine separatists claim victory in battle for airport

Building isn't vital strategically, but has much symbolic value

The Columbian
Published: January 15, 2015, 4:00pm
2 Photos
Alexander Zakharchenko
Leader of rebels in Donetsk
Alexander Zakharchenko Leader of rebels in Donetsk Photo Gallery

DONETSK, Ukraine — Russian-backed separatists announced Thursday they had captured the shattered remains of the Donetsk airport terminal in eastern Ukraine and plan to claw back more territory, further dashing hopes for a lasting peace agreement.

The airport, on the fringes of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk, has been at the center of bitter battles since May. Control over it was split between the separatists and Ukrainian forces who had held onto the main civilian terminal. Reduced to little more than a shell-littered wreck, the building is of limited strategic importance but has great symbolic value.

An AP reporter saw a rebel flag hoisted over that building Thursday, although fighting still appeared to be ongoing. Ukraine insisted government troops were holding their positions at the airport.

Alexander Hug, deputy head of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, said rebel forces carried out artillery attacks from within residential areas.

“These attacks … attract counter-fire from positions opposite and other directions, which leads unfortunately to repeated civilian casualties and damage for infrastructure,” Hug said.

The rebel leader in Donetsk, Alexander Zakharchenko, said the separatist offensive would continue and its goal was to recapture all territory lost to government forces last year.

“Let our countrymen hear this: We will not just give up our land. We will either take it back peacefully, or like that,” Zakharchenko said, nodding his head toward the sound of explosions coming from the direction of the airport.

If the separatists do advance further, that would undermine the chances of resurrecting a September cease-fire that laid out specific demarcation lines between the opposing sides.

The rebels’ disregard of that agreement appears to defy Moscow’s public backing of the peace deal.

The likelihood of any further negotiations looks compromised against the backdrop of continued unrest.

Separatist leaders in the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk have declined to attend talks with Ukraine and Russia expected to take place Friday in the capital of Belarus, Minsk. They have instead dispatched envoys and said they refuse to take part in more talks unless specific results are achieved.
