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News / Opinion / Letters to the Editor

Letter: Pike’s own integrity in question

By Dan Wilson, Vancouver
Published: December 16, 2015, 6:00am

I wasn’t surprised that Rep. Liz Pike, R-Camas, canceled her Columbian newspaper subscription. Just part of following “Madoren” politics. However, I was surprised that her reason was that the paper “lacked journalistic integrity.” What about political integrity?

Pike had the opportunity to help the floundering Clark County GOP, a group that has attained an almost unthinkable distinction as actually being more dysfunctional than our Legislature or Congress, find its way again. Instead, she sided with Clark County Councilor Madore. Half a million dollars later and two resounding defeats, the voters of Clark County sent a very clear message to Madore, Clyde Holland and Ken Fisher that Clark County isn’t for sale. Pike chose to be part of this group and gave up any integrity by association alone.

Now, instead of being a potential leader, her current legacy is that she’s in Madore’s back pocket with his two other luminaries. This wasn’t a case of any journalistic process that led to her resounding defeat — she bears that responsibility for making such a poor choice.

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