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Firefighters concentrate on north side of Mount Adams

Rain later this week unlikely to reach north, northwest portions of blaze

By Al Thomas, Columbian Outdoors Reporter
Published: August 31, 2015, 9:11am

GLENWOOD, Wash. — Firefighters today and Tuesday will prepare for additional burnout operations later in the week on the north and northeast portions of the Cougar Creek Fire on Mount Adams.

Officials reported Monday that crews used the cool, wet weather on the weekend to build line along Potato Hill road on the north side.

The east portion of the fire moved into patrol status as rain helped crews mop up hot spots and strengthen containment lines.

The rain did not penetrate the forest canopy on the north side of the fire. These areas will dry out quickly in the next few days.

A cold front is expected midweek, with cold air and showers on the west side of the fire, but little rain is expected on the north and northwest portions. The cold front may bring more wind.

The Cougar Creek Fire now is at 54,000 acres, 60 percent contained and has a crew of 541 battling it. It began Aug. 10.

Columbian Outdoors Reporter