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News / Opinion / Letters to the Editor

Letter: Multitude of mayhem unsettling

The Columbian
Published: August 5, 2015, 5:00pm

Quite true is the old journalistic adage to the effect that “if it bleeds, it leads,” and certainly our media tend to emphasize excessively the lurid, the scandalous and the violent in its coverage of events. It is decidedly unpleasant to see, seemingly every few days, huge headlines about the occurrence of mass mayhem in some part or other of the United States. Instinctively, even avid news “consumers” try to avoid having their peace of mind disturbed by journalists’ coverage of these outbreaks of homicidal pandemonium. It is only natural.

There is, unfortunately, a megaton-sized heap of bad news actually out there to report. Our journalists may on occasion exaggerate, but at the same time it is undeniable that this country’s level of social disorder is very high by First World standards. It exists, and it is terrifying.

Frank W. Goheen


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