Our public servants are at it again. Our property assessment this year jumped 21 percent. There is no way our property gained that much value. My neighbor’s property also suffered a 21 percent hike. He got proactive, and complained to the Clark County assessor’s office. Using email and phone calls, never in person, his assessment was knocked down 10 percent. That is an equitable raise; 21 percent is ludicrous.
I got comps from our real estate agent that show a much lower value than the assessor is putting on this house. Now, for the kicker. I called the assessor’s office to discuss this inequity. I was shuffled up the ladder and finally told the man who could help us was out for two weeks. Why do I not believe that? They absolutely promised to call within two weeks. That was Aug. 13. I got no call. So on Sept. 12, I called them. Guess what? Now we must to go through the whole appeal process. We are angry.
When you vote, vote these incumbents out. You might be next for an unfair raise in property values. Being senior citizens, we have no desire to be taxed out of our home of 20 years. We feel we were lied to. By not returning our call, the assessor’s office is making this whole process a real pain.
Scotty Richardson