How is it different from conventional plant or animal breeding?
With conventional breeding, reproduction can only occur between closely related species. A corn plant, for example, can only mate with another corn plant or a closely related species. With genetic engineering, however, any gene from any organism can be transferred to a different organism.
SOURCE: Center for Science in the Public Interest
Washington’s GMO vote will be scrutinized nationally
What a “Yes” vote means
The measure would impose labeling requirements on genetically engineered foods and seeds offered for retail sale in Washington.Beginning July 1, 2015, the measure would require genetically engineered raw agricultural commodities to be labeled “genetically engineered” and genetically engineered packaged processed foods would have to be labeled “partially produced with genetic engineering” or “may be partially produced with genetic engineering. “Beginning July 1, 2015, the measure also would require that genetically engineered seeds and seed stock be labeled “genetically engineered” or “produced with genetic engineering.”The measure would exempt the following foods from the labeling requirements:
• Alcoholic beverages.
• Certified organic foods.
• Foods not produced using genetic engineering, as certified by an approved independent organization.
• Foods served in restaurants or in food service establishments.
o “Medical food.”
o Foods consisting of or derived from animals that have themselves not been genetically engineered, regardless of whether the animal has been fed any genetically engineered food.