The Columbian has editorialized in support of placing an initiative to allow charter schools in Washington state on the Nov. 6 ballot, stating that initiatives force action after the Legislature has refused to act.
Three times wise Washington voters have rejected charter school measures and made their choice clear: “No charter schools in Washington.”
I define charter schools by these points:
• Charter schools are funded by the state but managed by private companies or individuals.
• Public schools outperform charter schools.
• Diane Ravitch, a noted educational historian, has warned that some charter schools have been staffed with uncertified teachers, and operate without financial advisers.
• When money is taken from public schools, they suffer.
• Charter schools use state and federal funds without being subjected to public school accountability.
Sponsors have spent $2 million to put Initiative 1240 on the ballot.
A fully funded education is the right of every child. Please continue with the great Washington tradition of standing strong for public schools by not endorsing charter schools.