VANCOUVER — Dining for Women, a nonprofit national giving circle with more than 150 registered chapters, is forming a new chapter in Clark County. It will meet on the second Tuesday of the month in downtown Vancouver.
The first meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. Jan. 11 at the offices of Alling Henning Associates, 415 W. Sixth St., Suite 605. Special guest for the kickoff meeting will be Patricia Andersson, member of the Dining for Women National Advisory Council.
Each month, Dining for Women chapter members gather for a potluck dinner and educational program. They donate the money they would have spent dining out to international organizations that serve impoverished women in developing countries. The recipient of the January chapter meetings will be Matrichaya, which provides economic development for tribal women in Jharkhand, a state in eastern India.
“Dining for Women provides a remarkable opportunity for participants to meet each other, learn about women’s international programs and issues, and make a real difference with their financial contributions,” said Katlin Smith, founder of the new Vancouver chapter.